Organic Dried Black Fungus

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Organic Dried Black Fungus

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Organic Dried Black Fungus

  • Product Code: '4713327312355
  • Availability: In Stock
  • $7.90

Grown in serenity at the foot of Alishan, the black fungus absorbs only the cleanest air and water. The environment within the farm is stringently monitored to create the ideal forestry environment and to block out farm insects without the use of any pesticides. The black fungus are then left to dry on sanitized canvas which is also sheltered to prevent bacteria growth, contamination and insect bugs.

Only the first growth of black fungus is harvested for sales! This ensures you that the black fungus you get has maximum nutrients and freshness!

The Black Fungus has lots of medicinal benefits which can be attributed to its rich nutrients contents such as vitamins, protein, iron and polysaccharides. It is also an excellent source of dietary fibre which aids digestion and fat and waste excretion. Black fungus can also soothe and reduce blood clots and vessels to prevent clogging, while its collagen properties are beneficial for bone joint agility.

Usage Tips: Soak it for at least 12hours (24hours at best) for the best texture and size (4-7 times)! Use chilli and ginger slices and fry lightly with good quality sesame sauce and soy paste for a delicious side dish! Ideal to add in stir-fried dishes, stews, braised dishes and nourishing soups. Also suitable for cold side dish.

有机黑木耳栽培在幽静的农场,远离空气染污和害虫的滋长; 也不使用任何农药或化学添加剂。为了保持黑木耳的高品质和营养价值,厂家在农场里设置瀑布的环境,以促进最适宜黑木耳生长的“丛林”气候。

黑木耳浸泡12-24小时为最佳,会扩长4至7倍。炒菜,炖滋补汤时都适合加入。好吃的凉拌配菜 (用顶级麻油和油膏轻轻翻炒)也可!

Item Code: 00004547
Ingredients: Black Fungus
Net Weight: 50g
Shelf Life: 2 years
| Certified organic | No additives | No preservatives |
| No pesticides | Contains polysaccharide |